Find it in the CogStat > Preferences... menu.

After choosing the required settings, press OK. To change the language, restart CogStat after pressing OK.


Set the language of CogStat.

In some languages, some texts may be shown in English when the given text has not been translated yet. (See the percentage next to the language in the to be released version of CogStat.)

If you want to use a language that is not available yet, or if you want to improve the current version of your chosen language, join us to translate CogStat.

Chart theme

(From version 2.4, CogStat doesn’t have to be restarted to apply the new theme.)

Set the look of the charts.

Image format

(New in v2.4)

Choose an image format (png or svg) to be used for charts.

Detailed error message

(New in v2.4)

Sometimes, an analysis cannot be run because of a software error. By default, CogStat sends a simple message like, “Oops, something went wrong.” If you want to find out the technical details of the issue (e.g., you may want to report a bug), you can turn on the detailed error messages (by default, it is turned off). This function is related only to software errors, and not related to other warnings, such as warnings about the imported data.