If you want to see a new feature in CogStat that is not available yet, request it.

To suggest a new feature, go to the Issues page or to the Discussion forum.

You need a github account (it’s free to register) to do some of the following steps.

Check if the feature was already requested

You can search some key terms to find whether the feature was already requested.

If you found that feature, you might :+1: the first comment, denoting that you’d also like to see it in CogStat. More votes for the feature increases the possibility that we will implement it.

If you want to extend the request, add any further information as comments. (See also the next part what information is especially useful for us.)

Request a new feature

If the feature was not requested yet, then click on the New issue button in the upper right corner (in Issues pages), or click on the New discussion button on the right (in Discussions forum). Specify the following pieces of information:

  • Please try to specify how the new function could work: e.g., what should be seen in the user interface, what parameters it should have to set, what output is should show, etc.
  • If it is a specific statistic, please preferably refer to a paper that describes it, or to a software that implements it. If you know that some Python module already implements it, insert a URL to that module.
  • If you would want to modify some procedure, please add relevant references (methodological paper, online tutorial, etc.) that discuss the why the current procedure should be modified, and describe the advantages of the new procedure.
  • If it is not trivial how the feature could be used, describe some use cases when the requested feature could be useful.